3rd grade Math
Categories: Mathematics, Sciences
Course Content
Intro to multiplication
Multiplication as equal groups
Equal groups
Introduction to multiplication
Multiplication as repeated addition
Multiplication on the number line
Multiplication on the number line
Multiplication as groups of objects
Multiplication as equal groups
More ways to multiply
Multiplication with arrays
Multiplication with arrays
Multiplication in contexts
Multiplication in real world contexts
Commutative property of multiplication
Commutative property of multiplication
1-digit multiplication
Distributive property
Distributive property when multiplying
Properties and patterns for multiplication
Rounding to nearest 10 or 100
Rounding to the nearest 10 on the number line
Rounding to the nearest 100 on the number line
Rounding to nearest 10 and 100
Addition, subtraction, and estimation
Estimate to add multi-digit numbers
Estimating when adding multi-digit numbers
Strategies for adding two and three-digit numbers
Breaking apart 3-digit addition problems
Addition using groups of 10 and 100
Adding and subtracting on number line
Adding with regrouping within 1000
Using place value to add 3-digit numbers: part 1
Using place value to add 3-digit numbers: part 2
Adding 3-digit numbers
Estimate to subtract multi-digit numbers
Estimating when subtracting large numbers
Strategies for subtracting two and three-digit numbers
Subtraction by breaking apart
Adding and subtracting on number line
Methods for subtracting 3-digit numbers
Subtracting with regrouping within 1000
Worked example: Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping)
Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping)
Worked example: Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping twice)
Worked example: Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping from 0)
Addition and subtraction missing value problems
Missing number for 3-digit addition within 1000
Missing number for 3-digit subtraction within 1000
Addition and subtraction word problems
Three digit addition word problems
Three digit subtraction word problems
Division intro
Division as equal groups
Visualizing division with arrays
Division in context
Division in contexts
Intro to division
Relating multiplication and division
Relating division to multiplication
Multiplication word problem: parking lot
Division word problem: school building
Fractions intro
Intro to fractions
Cutting shapes into equal parts
Identifying unit fractions word problem
Fractions in contexts
Fractions in contexts
What fractions mean
Identifying numerators and denominators
Recognize fractions
Recognizing fractions greater than 1
Understand fractions
Fractions on the number line
Relating number lines to fraction bars
Fractions on a number line
Fractions on number line widget
Finding 1 on the number line
Fractions greater than 1 on the number line
Fractions and whole numbers
Representing 1 as a fraction
Relating fractions to 1
Whole numbers as fractions
Writing whole numbers as fractions
Comparing fractions
Comparing fractions with > and < symbols
Comparing fractions visually
Comparing fractions with the same denominator
Comparing unit fractions
Comparing fractions with the same numerator
Comparing fractions of different wholes
Comparing fractions of different wholes 1
Comparing fractions of different wholes
Equivalent fractions
Equivalent fractions with visuals
Equivalent fraction models
Equivalent fraction visually
Creating equivalent fractions
Letters and symbols in multiplication and division equations
Unknowns with multiplication and division
Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
Multiplication and division word problems
Multiplication word problem: soda party
Division word problem: blueberries
Associative property of multiplication
Associative property of multiplication
Properties of multiplication
Using associative property to simplify multiplication
Multiplying by tens
Multiplying by multiples of 10
Multiplying by tens word problem
2-step expressions
Order of operations (2-step expressions)
More with multiplication and division
Estimation word problems
2-step estimation word problems
One and two-step word problems
Setting up 2-step word problems
2-step word problem: truffles
2-step word problem: running
2-step word problem: theater
Patterns in arithmetic
Finding patterns in numbers
Recognizing number patterns
Intro to even and odd numbers
Patterns with multiplying even and odd numbers
Patterns in hundreds chart
Patterns in multiplication tables
Intro to quadrilaterals
Count unit squares to find area
Intro to area and unit squares
Measuring rectangles with different unit squares
Creating rectangles with a given area 1
Creating rectangles with a given area 2
Arithmetic patterns and problem solving
Area formula intuition
Counting unit squares to find area formula
Transitioning from unit squares to area formula
Multiply to find area
Counting unit squares to find area formula
Finding missing side when given area
Comparing areas of plots of land
Area and the distributive property
Area and the distributive property
Decompose figures to find area
Decomposing shapes to find area: grids
Decomposing shapes to find area: add
Decomposing shapes to find area: subtract
Area word problem: house size
Perimeter: introduction
Perimeter of a shape
Finding perimeter when a side length is missing
Finding missing side length when given perimeter
Perimeter word problems
Perimeter word problem: tables
Perimeter word problem: skating rink
Comparing area and perimeter
Comparing areas and perimeters of rectangles
Time on number line
Telling time with number line
Telling time
Telling time to the nearest minute (labeled clock)
Telling time to the nearest minute (unlabeled clock)
Elapsed time
Time differences example
Time word problem: travel time
Time word problem: puzzle
Understanding mass (grams and kilograms)
Word problems with mass
Understanding volume (liters)
Word problems with volume
Picture graphs
Creating picture and bar graphs
Solving problems with picture graphs
Interpreting picture graphs: paint
Interpreting picture graphs: notebook
Bar graphs
Creating picture and bar graphs
Reading bar graphs: movies
Interpreting bar graphs: colors
Line plots with fractions
Graphing data on line plots
Read line plots
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